Erreur d'affichage des pages après mise à jour

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Bonjour, je connais mal Drupal, étant plus habituée à WP, Joomla et Prestashop.
J'ai en charge un site sous Drupal créé par un autre prestataire. Je l'ai mis à jour il y a un moment pour le passer à 7.22. Comme il est hacké régulièrement, je souhaite le passer en 7.56. Après avoir fait une sauvegarde avec Akeeba Solo et l'avoir installé en local, supprimé les fichiers du hacker dans le dossier Sites, j'ai fait la mise à jour. Ayant eu plusieurs erreurs concernant des modules manquants, une recherche sur le Net m'a indiqué que c'était normal avec cette version qui repérait des fantômes, mais ne pouvant accéder à l'admin, j'ai nettoyé la bdd des entrées correspondantes. J'ai pu ensuite lancer le script update.php.
Maintenant, la page d'accueil s'affiche correctement et j'ai accès à l'admin.
Mais ...
Je ne peux pas accéder aux pages. Sauf si je désactive le fichier page.tpl.php. Là, j'ai bien le contenu mais pas la mise en page.
Si le fichier est activé et que je fais tourner PHP 5.6, j'ai une erreur :
Parse error : syntax error, unexpected end of file in C:\UwAmp3\www\Universpizza18b\sites\all\themes\universal\templates\page.tpl.php on line 179
Comme il y avait des lignes vides je les ai supprimées mais cela indique alors la ligne 176 qui ne contient que la balise qui ferme le script de Google Analytics.

Si je fais tourner sous PHP 7, la page s'affiche comme en maintenance en signalant qu'il y a une erreur : Le site Web a rencontré une erreur inattendue. Veuillez essayer de nouveau plus tard.

J'ai essayé en remplaçant le contenu de html.tpl.php par celui de page.tpl.php, et là c'est une autre erreur (la première ligne dans le log ci-dessous)

Voici le log d'erreur d'Apache

[Wed Jan 24 18:17:16.106884 2018] [:error] [pid 18800:tid 1152] [client ::1:65317] PHP Fatal error:  Only variables can be passed by reference in C:\UwAmp3\www\Universpizza18b\sites\all\themes\universal\templates\html.tpl.php on line 106, referer: http://localhost/Universpizza18b/content/article/les-promos
[Wed Jan 24 18:17:16.106884 2018] [:error] [pid 18800:tid 1152] [client ::1:65317] PHP Stack trace:, referer: http://localhost/Universpizza18b/content/article/les-promos
[Wed Jan 24 18:17:16.106884 2018] [:error] [pid 18800:tid 1152] [client ::1:65317] PHP   1. {main}() C:\UwAmp3\www\Universpizza18b\index.php:0, referer: http://localhost/Universpizza18b/content/article/les-promos
[Wed Jan 24 18:17:16.106884 2018] [:error] [pid 18800:tid 1152] [client ::1:65317] PHP   2. menu_execute_active_handler() C:\UwAmp3\www\Universpizza18b\index.php:21, referer: http://localhost/Universpizza18b/content/article/les-promos
[Wed Jan 24 18:17:16.106884 2018] [:error] [pid 18800:tid 1152] [client ::1:65317] PHP   3. drupal_deliver_page() C:\UwAmp3\www\Universpizza18b\includes\, referer: http://localhost/Universpizza18b/content/article/les-promos
[Wed Jan 24 18:17:16.106884 2018] [:error] [pid 18800:tid 1152] [client ::1:65317] PHP   4. drupal_deliver_html_page() C:\UwAmp3\www\Universpizza18b\includes\, referer: http://localhost/Universpizza18b/content/article/les-promos
[Wed Jan 24 18:17:16.106884 2018] [:error] [pid 18800:tid 1152] [client ::1:65317] PHP   5. drupal_render_page() C:\UwAmp3\www\Universpizza18b\includes\, referer: http://localhost/Universpizza18b/content/article/les-promos
[Wed Jan 24 18:17:16.106884 2018] [:error] [pid 18800:tid 1152] [client ::1:65317] PHP   6. drupal_render() C:\UwAmp3\www\Universpizza18b\includes\, referer: http://localhost/Universpizza18b/content/article/les-promos
[Wed Jan 24 18:17:16.106884 2018] [:error] [pid 18800:tid 1152] [client ::1:65317] PHP   7. theme() C:\UwAmp3\www\Universpizza18b\includes\, referer: http://localhost/Universpizza18b/content/article/les-promos
[Wed Jan 24 18:17:16.106884 2018] [:error] [pid 18800:tid 1152] [client ::1:65317] PHP   8. theme_render_template() C:\UwAmp3\www\Universpizza18b\includes\, referer: http://localhost/Universpizza18b/content/article/les-promos
[Wed Jan 24 18:17:16.106884 2018] [:error] [pid 18800:tid 1152] [client ::1:65317] PHP   9. include() C:\UwAmp3\www\Universpizza18b\includes\, referer: http://localhost/Universpizza18b/content/article/les-promos
[Wed Jan 24 18:20:13.491030 2018] [:error] [pid 18800:tid 1152] [client ::1:49362] PHP Parse error:  syntax error, unexpected end of file in C:\UwAmp3\www\Universpizza18b\sites\all\themes\universal\templates\page.tpl.php on line 179, referer: http://localhost/Universpizza18b/content/article/les-promos
[Wed Jan 24 18:20:13.491030 2018] [:error] [pid 18800:tid 1152] [client ::1:49362] PHP Stack trace:, referer: http://localhost/Universpizza18b/content/article/les-promos
[Wed Jan 24 18:20:13.491030 2018] [:error] [pid 18800:tid 1152] [client ::1:49362] PHP   1. {main}() C:\UwAmp3\www\Universpizza18b\index.php:0, referer: http://localhost/Universpizza18b/content/article/les-promos
[Wed Jan 24 18:20:13.491030 2018] [:error] [pid 18800:tid 1152] [client ::1:49362] PHP   2. menu_execute_active_handler() C:\UwAmp3\www\Universpizza18b\index.php:21, referer: http://localhost/Universpizza18b/content/article/les-promos
[Wed Jan 24 18:20:13.491030 2018] [:error] [pid 18800:tid 1152] [client ::1:49362] PHP   3. drupal_deliver_page() C:\UwAmp3\www\Universpizza18b\includes\, referer: http://localhost/Universpizza18b/content/article/les-promos
[Wed Jan 24 18:20:13.491030 2018] [:error] [pid 18800:tid 1152] [client ::1:49362] PHP   4. drupal_deliver_html_page() C:\UwAmp3\www\Universpizza18b\includes\, referer: http://localhost/Universpizza18b/content/article/les-promos
[Wed Jan 24 18:20:13.491030 2018] [:error] [pid 18800:tid 1152] [client ::1:49362] PHP   5. drupal_render_page() C:\UwAmp3\www\Universpizza18b\includes\, referer: http://localhost/Universpizza18b/content/article/les-promos
[Wed Jan 24 18:20:13.491030 2018] [:error] [pid 18800:tid 1152] [client ::1:49362] PHP   6. drupal_render() C:\UwAmp3\www\Universpizza18b\includes\, referer: http://localhost/Universpizza18b/content/article/les-promos
[Wed Jan 24 18:20:13.491030 2018] [:error] [pid 18800:tid 1152] [client ::1:49362] PHP   7. theme() C:\UwAmp3\www\Universpizza18b\includes\, referer: http://localhost/Universpizza18b/content/article/les-promos
[Wed Jan 24 18:20:13.491030 2018] [:error] [pid 18800:tid 1152] [client ::1:49362] PHP   8. theme_render_template() C:\UwAmp3\www\Universpizza18b\includes\, referer: http://localhost/Universpizza18b/content/article/les-promos
[Wed Jan 24 18:24:43.049448 2018] [:error] [pid 18800:tid 1152] [client ::1:49888] PHP Parse error:  syntax error, unexpected end of file in C:\UwAmp3\www\Universpizza18b\sites\all\themes\universal\templates\page.tpl.php on line 179, referer: http://localhost/Universpizza18b/content/article/les-promos
[Wed Jan 24 18:24:43.049448 2018] [:error] [pid 18800:tid 1152] [client ::1:49888] PHP Stack trace:, referer: http://localhost/Universpizza18b/content/article/les-promos
[Wed Jan 24 18:24:43.049448 2018] [:error] [pid 18800:tid 1152] [client ::1:49888] PHP   1. {main}() C:\UwAmp3\www\Universpizza18b\index.php:0, referer: http://localhost/Universpizza18b/content/article/les-promos
[Wed Jan 24 18:24:43.049448 2018] [:error] [pid 18800:tid 1152] [client ::1:49888] PHP   2. menu_execute_active_handler() C:\UwAmp3\www\Universpizza18b\index.php:21, referer: http://localhost/Universpizza18b/content/article/les-promos
[Wed Jan 24 18:24:43.049448 2018] [:error] [pid 18800:tid 1152] [client ::1:49888] PHP   3. drupal_deliver_page() C:\UwAmp3\www\Universpizza18b\includes\, referer: http://localhost/Universpizza18b/content/article/les-promos
[Wed Jan 24 18:24:43.049448 2018] [:error] [pid 18800:tid 1152] [client ::1:49888] PHP   4. drupal_deliver_html_page() C:\UwAmp3\www\Universpizza18b\includes\, referer: http://localhost/Universpizza18b/content/article/les-promos
[Wed Jan 24 18:24:43.049448 2018] [:error] [pid 18800:tid 1152] [client ::1:49888] PHP   5. drupal_render_page() C:\UwAmp3\www\Universpizza18b\includes\, referer: http://localhost/Universpizza18b/content/article/les-promos
[Wed Jan 24 18:24:43.049448 2018] [:error] [pid 18800:tid 1152] [client ::1:49888] PHP   6. drupal_render() C:\UwAmp3\www\Universpizza18b\includes\, referer: http://localhost/Universpizza18b/content/article/les-promos
[Wed Jan 24 18:24:43.049448 2018] [:error] [pid 18800:tid 1152] [client ::1:49888] PHP   7. theme() C:\UwAmp3\www\Universpizza18b\includes\, referer: http://localhost/Universpizza18b/content/article/les-promos
[Wed Jan 24 18:24:43.049448 2018] [:error] [pid 18800:tid 1152] [client ::1:49888] PHP   8. theme_render_template() C:\UwAmp3\www\Universpizza18b\includes\, referer: http://localhost/Universpizza18b/content/article/les-promos
[Wed Jan 24 18:26:19.496964 2018] [:error] [pid 18800:tid 1152] [client ::1:50076] PHP Parse error:  syntax error, unexpected end of file in C:\UwAmp3\www\Universpizza18b\sites\all\themes\universal\templates\page.tpl.php on line 176, referer: http://localhost/Universpizza18b/content/article/les-promos
[Wed Jan 24 18:26:19.497964 2018] [:error] [pid 18800:tid 1152] [client ::1:50076] PHP Stack trace:, referer: http://localhost/Universpizza18b/content/article/les-promos
[Wed Jan 24 18:26:19.497964 2018] [:error] [pid 18800:tid 1152] [client ::1:50076] PHP   1. {main}() C:\UwAmp3\www\Universpizza18b\index.php:0, referer: http://localhost/Universpizza18b/content/article/les-promos
[Wed Jan 24 18:26:19.497964 2018] [:error] [pid 18800:tid 1152] [client ::1:50076] PHP   2. menu_execute_active_handler() C:\UwAmp3\www\Universpizza18b\index.php:21, referer: http://localhost/Universpizza18b/content/article/les-promos
[Wed Jan 24 18:26:19.497964 2018] [:error] [pid 18800:tid 1152] [client ::1:50076] PHP   3. drupal_deliver_page() C:\UwAmp3\www\Universpizza18b\includes\, referer: http://localhost/Universpizza18b/content/article/les-promos
[Wed Jan 24 18:26:19.497964 2018] [:error] [pid 18800:tid 1152] [client ::1:50076] PHP   4. drupal_deliver_html_page() C:\UwAmp3\www\Universpizza18b\includes\, referer: http://localhost/Universpizza18b/content/article/les-promos
[Wed Jan 24 18:26:19.497964 2018] [:error] [pid 18800:tid 1152] [client ::1:50076] PHP   5. drupal_render_page() C:\UwAmp3\www\Universpizza18b\includes\, referer: http://localhost/Universpizza18b/content/article/les-promos
[Wed Jan 24 18:26:19.497964 2018] [:error] [pid 18800:tid 1152] [client ::1:50076] PHP   6. drupal_render() C:\UwAmp3\www\Universpizza18b\includes\, referer: http://localhost/Universpizza18b/content/article/les-promos
[Wed Jan 24 18:26:19.497964 2018] [:error] [pid 18800:tid 1152] [client ::1:50076] PHP   7. theme() C:\UwAmp3\www\Universpizza18b\includes\, referer: http://localhost/Universpizza18b/content/article/les-promos
[Wed Jan 24 18:26:19.497964 2018] [:error] [pid 18800:tid 1152] [client ::1:50076] PHP   8. theme_render_template() C:\UwAmp3\www\Universpizza18b\includes\, referer: http://localhost/Universpizza18b/content/article/les-promos

Si quelqu'un pouvait m'éclairer de ses lumières, ce serait avec soulagement que je lui enverrais le fichier page.tpl.php (ou que je mette le contenu dans la réponse) car là je sèche complètement !

Mille mercis d'avance !

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